Spring Boot HandBook

    Using Two Tokens instead of One

    Introduction :#

    Using two tokens—an access token and a refresh token—improves security and user experience. Access tokens are short-lived, limiting the impact of compromise, while refresh tokens are long-lived and used to obtain new access tokens, reducing exposure of long-term credentials. This approach allows refresh tokens to be stored securely and ensures session continuity, even if the access token expires.

    Imagine you're visiting a theme park:

    Access Token: This is like a single-ride ticket. It's valid for a short period (for one ride), and once you use it, you need a new one. If it gets lost or stolen, it only affects that one ride—it's not a big risk.

    Refresh Token: This is like an all-day pass. Even though your single-ride ticket expires after each use, you can always go back to the ticket counter and get a new one using your all-day pass. The all-day pass is securely stored, and you only need to use it when you want a new ride ticket.

    So, the access token is your short-term ticket, while the refresh token allows you to get a new access token without having to reauthenticate, ensuring a smooth experience throughout the day.

    Initial Authentication :#

    • The client sends a username and password to the server.
    • The server validates these credentials and requests the token service to generate an Access Token and a Refresh Token.
    • The server returns both tokens to the client.

    Making API Requests :#

    • The client uses the Access Token to make a request to the server.
    • If the Access Token is valid, the server fulfills the request.

    Access Token Expiration :#

    • When the Access Token expires, the client sends the Refresh Token to the server to request a new Access Token.
    • The server verifies the Refresh Token with the token service, which generates a new Access Token.
    • The server returns the new Access Token to the client.

    Continuing Requests :#

    • The client can continue using the newly generated Access Token to make further requests.

    Implements :#

    Inside the AuthController we have the login request we are calling the all service and this is giving us one token. But now this time we want it to give us two tokens instead of one. So, let’s just go to the login request. Here we are authenticating our user with the help of the credentials that they are provided so, if all the credentials are good then we will be getting the authentication from here we will be getting the user from here . Here you can see we are generating tokens but currently we are only generating one token that is our access token.

    To implement a login mechanism that generates both an access token and a refresh token, you've already made significant progress by modifying the JWTService, AuthService, AuthController, and related DTOs. Here’s a quick summary and some pointers to ensure the system works as expected:


    You added two methods:

    • createAccessToken(): This generates a short-lived JWT (e.g., 10 minutes) containing user details like email and roles.
    • createRefreshToken(): This generates a long-lived JWT (e.g., 6 months) without storing sensitive information, mainly used to obtain a new access token when the old one expires.
    import io.jsonwebtoken.Claims; import io.jsonwebtoken.Jwts; import io.jsonwebtoken.security.Keys; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; @Service public class JWTService { @Value("${jwt.secretKey}") //we create this "jwt.secreteKey" in our Application.properties file with a random key private String jwtSecreteKey ; public SecretKey generateSecreteKey(){ return Keys.hmacShaKeyFor(jwtSecreteKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } //create a jwt public String createAccessToken(UserEntity user) { //create access token return Jwts.builder() .subject(user.getId().toString()) .claim("email",user.getEmail()) .claim("roles", Set.of("ADMIN","USER")) .issuedAt(new Date()) .expiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()+1000*60*10)) //setting it for 10 mins only .signWith(generateSecreteKey()) .compact(); } public String createRefreshToken(UserEntity user) { //create refresh token return Jwts.builder() .subject(user.getId().toString()) .issuedAt(new Date()) .expiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()+ 1000L *60*60*24*30*6)) //here we have to set it for long time 6 months .signWith(generateSecreteKey()) .compact(); } public Long generateUserIdFromToken(String token) { Claims claim = Jwts.parser() .verifyWith(generateSecreteKey()) .build() .parseSignedClaims(token) .getPayload(); return Long.valueOf(claim.getSubject()); } }


    You modified the logIn() method to:

    • Authenticate the user.
    • Generate both an access token and a refresh token using JWTService.
    • Return both tokens in the LoginResponseDto.

    You also added a refreshToken() method that:

    • Verifies the refresh token.
    • Generates a new access token if the refresh token is valid.
    • Returns the new access token along with the existing refresh token.
    import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import org.modelmapper.ModelMapper; import org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationManager; import org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException; import org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken; import org.springframework.security.core.Authentication; import org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.util.Optional; @Service @RequiredArgsConstructor public class AuthService { private final UserRepo userRepo; private final ModelMapper modelMapper; private final PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder; private final AuthenticationManager authenticationManager; private final JWTService jwtService; private final UserServiceImpl userService; @Transactional public UserDto signUp(SignupDto signupDto) { Optional<UserEntity> user = userRepo .findByEmail(signupDto.getEmail()); if(user.isPresent()) throw new BadCredentialsException("Cannot signup, User already exists with email "+signupDto.getEmail()); UserEntity mappedUser = modelMapper.map(signupDto,UserEntity.class); mappedUser.setPassword(passwordEncoder.encode(mappedUser.getPassword())); UserEntity savedUser = userRepo.save(mappedUser); return modelMapper.map(savedUser,UserDto.class); } public LoginResponseDto logIn(LoginDto loginDto) { Authentication authentication = authenticationManager.authenticate( new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(loginDto.getEmail(),loginDto.getPassword()) ); UserEntity user = (UserEntity) authentication.getPrincipal(); String accessToken = jwtService.createAccessToken(user); String refreshToken = jwtService.createRefreshToken(user); return new LoginResponseDto(user.getId(),accessToken,refreshToken); } public LoginResponseDto refreshToken(String refreshToken) { Long uerId = jwtService.generateUserIdFromToken(refreshToken); //refresh token is valid UserEntity user = userService.getUserById(uerId); String accessToken = jwtService.createAccessToken(user); return new LoginResponseDto(user.getId(),accessToken,refreshToken); } }

    To return these token you have to create a separate Dto that is LoginResponseDto.

    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class LoginResponseDto { private Long id; private String accessToken; private String refreshToken; }


    You updated the logIn() endpoint to:

    • Call authService.logIn() to obtain both tokens.
    • Store the refresh token in an HTTP-only cookie, enhancing security by preventing client-side access via JavaScript.

    You also added a refresh endpoint to:

    • Extract the refresh token from cookies.
    • Use it to obtain a new access token through authService.refreshToken().
    import jakarta.servlet.http.Cookie; import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; @RestController @RequestMapping("/auth") @RequiredArgsConstructor public class AuthController { private final AuthService authService; @PostMapping("/signUp") public ResponseEntity<UserDto> signUp( @RequestBody SignupDto signupDto){ return new ResponseEntity<>( authService.signUp(signupDto), HttpStatus.CREATED); } @PostMapping("/logIn") public ResponseEntity<LoginResponseDto> logIn( @RequestBody LoginDto loginDto, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){ //change these things LoginResponseDto loginResponseDto = authService.logIn(loginDto); Cookie cookie = new Cookie("refreshToken", loginResponseDto.getRefreshToken()); cookie.setHttpOnly(true); // Prevents client-side scripts from accessing the cookie response.addCookie(cookie); // Http only cookies can be passed from backend to frontend only return ResponseEntity.ok(loginResponseDto); } @PostMapping("/refresh") public ResponseEntity<LoginResponseDto> refreshToken(HttpServletRequest request){ String refreshToken = Arrays.stream(request.getCookies()) //getCookies() method returns a array of cookie .filter(cookie -> "refreshToken".equals(cookie.getName())) .findFirst() .map(cookie -> cookie.getValue()) .orElseThrow(()-> new AuthenticationServiceException("RefreshToken not found")); LoginResponseDto loginResponseDto = authService.refreshToken(refreshToken); return ResponseEntity.ok(loginResponseDto); } }

    Important Considerations :#

    1. Cookie Security: By setting the refresh token as an HTTP-only cookie, you protect it from XSS attacks. Consider also setting the Secure flag if your application uses HTTPS.
    2. Refresh Token Rotation: If you want to enhance security further, you might implement refresh token rotation. Every time a refresh token is used to obtain a new access token, you would generate a new refresh token and invalidate the old one.
    3. Token Expiry Handling: Ensure that your frontend application is designed to handle token expiry by automatically using the refresh token to obtain a new access token without requiring user intervention.
    4. Logging Out: When logging out, ensure both access and refresh tokens are invalidated. This might involve deleting the refresh token cookie and potentially storing blacklisted tokens in a database if necessary.

    Output :#

    After run the application let’s see the outputs.


    • When a new user signs up using the /auth/signUp endpoint, their credentials are stored securely in the database. If the email is unique, a new user record is created.
    Signup postman view

    Login (with Two Tokens):

    • The /auth/logIn endpoint is called with the user's credentials (email and password).
    • If the credentials are valid, two tokens are generated:
      • Access Token: A short-lived token containing the user's ID, email, roles, and other claims. This token is used for authenticating the user's requests.
      • Refresh Token: A long-lived token stored in an HTTP-only cookie. It is used to generate a new access token when the old one expires.
    Login postman view

    Inspecting the Tokens :#

    • By pasting the tokens into jwt.io, you can inspect the contents of each token:
      • Access Token: You'll see claims like email, roles, subject (which is typically the user's ID), and expiration time (exp). This token is primarily used for authorization and authentication.
      • Refresh Token: This token is simpler, often containing only the user's ID (subject) and an expiration time. It doesn't carry any additional claims because it's only used for refreshing the access token.
    Access Token Verification
    Refresh Token Verification

    Let’s explain how it works. Let’s go to the Cookies

    Understanding the Cookies :#

    • When a user logs in, the refresh token is stored in a secure, HTTP-only cookie. This means the token:
      • Cannot be accessed or manipulated by JavaScript, protecting it from XSS attacks.
      • Is only sent over HTTP requests, ensuring its security.
      • Go to this cookies
    • Type ‘localhost’ and press enter
    Manage Cookies
    • Refresh:
    • When the access token expires, the client calls /auth/refresh.
    • The server reads the refresh token from the cookie, validates it, and issues a new access token.
    the client calls /auth/refresh

    If the refresh token is not valid, the application should return an error message to inform the client. In this case, we are removing the refresh token from cookies, and upon sending the request, an error is displayed. This error is handled by our GlobalExceptionHandler.

    401 Unauthorized Error

    What if Refresh Token is Compromised?#

    If a Refresh Token is stolen, someone else could use it to pretend to be you and keep your session going, which is dangerous. Here’s how to reduce this risk:

    Try to Prevent It from Being Stolen

    a. Store It Safely:

    • Keep It Site-Specific: Store the Refresh Token in a way that it’s only sent to the same site where it was created. This helps protect it from attacks that trick your browser into sending it somewhere else.
    • Hide It from Scripts: Store the Refresh Token in a place where it’s hidden from any programs running on your device, so they can’t steal it.
    • Use Secure Connections: Only send the Refresh Token over secure connections (like HTTPS) so that no one can see it while it’s being sent over the internet.
    • Always use secure connections (HTTPS) to send the Refresh Token, ensuring that no one can steal it while it’s being sent.

    Use a Database for Extra Protection

    a. Manage Sessions:

    • Cancel Old Tokens: Keep track of Refresh Tokens in a database. If you log in again or ask for a new token, the old one is canceled, so even if someone stole the old token, they can’t use it anymore.
    • Verify Validity: Each time a Refresh Token is used, check it against the database to make sure it’s still valid. If it’s been canceled or replaced, it won’t work.


    This article discusses the implementation of access and refresh tokens for enhanced security and user experience in a Spring Boot application. It focuses on token generation, secure storage in HTTP-only cookies, and handling token expiration and rotation. The approach ensures both security and seamless session continuity for users.

    Last updated on Jan 14, 2025