Spring Boot HandBook

    1. Introduction to Spring Framework#

    The Spring Framework is a powerful and flexible platform designed for building Java applications. It simplifies the development process by handling many of the complex, underlying infrastructure tasks, allowing developers to focus on creating the actual application.

    Spring makes it possible to build applications using "plain old Java objects" (POJOs) while applying enterprise services to them. This approach works well for both simple Java SE applications and full-fledged Java EE applications.

    Here are a few examples of what you can do with the Spring Framework:

    • Automatically manage database transactions without dealing with complex transaction APIs.
    • Turn a simple Java method into a remote procedure without needing to handle remote APIs.
    • Convert a local Java method into a management operation without working with JMX APIs.
    • Make a Java method handle messages without directly dealing with JMS APIs.

    1.1 Core Principles#

    • Before moving to Spring Framework architecture it is important to know the core principles.

    1. Dependency Injection (DI)#

    Dependency Injection is a design pattern that allows the inversion of control between components, reducing the tight coupling and making the application more modular and easier to maintain. The Spring framework provides an Inversion of Control (IoC) container that manages the creation and lifecycle of objects (beans) and their dependencies. The ApplicationContext is an advanced IoC container that offers additional features like event propagation, declarative mechanisms to create a bean, and various ways to configure your application.

    2. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)#

    AOP is a programming paradigm that allows separation of cross-cutting concerns (aspects) from the business logic of an application. Cross-cutting concerns such as logging, security, and transaction management can be applied across multiple components without cluttering the core logic.

    • Aspects: An aspect is a modularization of a concern that cuts across multiple classes. In Spring, aspects are implemented using regular classes annotated with @Aspect.
    • Join Points: These are points in the program execution, such as method calls or exception handling, where an aspect can be applied.
    • Advice: This is the action taken by an aspect at a particular join point. Spring supports various types of advice, including Before, After, Around, and AfterThrowing.
    • Pointcuts: These are expressions that match join points to determine whether an advice should be executed.

    Spring’s AOP framework makes it easy to define and apply these aspects declaratively, either through XML configuration or using annotations. This approach enhances code modularity, promotes reuse, and simplifies maintenance.

    1.2 Modules of the Spring framework#

    The Spring Framework is divided into various modules, each designed to address specific aspects of application development. These modules are grouped into several categories:

    • Core Container: Includes fundamental components like IoC and DI, helping to manage object creation and configuration.
    • Data Access/Integration: Provides tools for interacting with databases, handling transactions, and integrating with other data sources.
    • Web: Supports building web applications, including MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
    • AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) and Instrumentation: Allows adding cross-cutting concerns like logging or security in a modular way.
    • Test: Offers support for testing Spring components, ensuring that they work as expected.

    Figure :- The Spring Framework consists of features organized into about 20 modules. These modules are grouped into Core Container, Data Access/Integration, Web, AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), Instrumentation, and Test, as shown in the following diagram.

    Spring Architecture

    1.2.1 Core Container#

    The Core Container is the foundation of the Spring Framework, providing essential functionalities for creating and managing application components, known as beans. This container is crucial for implementing Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC) principles, which decouple application components and promote modularity.

    • Spring Core: This module provides the basic DI and IoC functionality. The IoC container is responsible for instantiating, configuring, and assembling the beans, which are the objects that form the backbone of a Spring application. By managing dependencies between beans, the IoC container reduces tight coupling between components, making the application more modular and maintainable.
    • Spring Beans: This module offers the BeanFactory and BeanWrapper. The BeanFactory is the core interface for accessing the IoC container, allowing you to retrieve bean instances. The BeanWrapper, on the other hand, facilitates property manipulation on Java objects, handling type conversions and other property-related operations.
    • Spring Context: An advanced version of BeanFactory, ApplicationContext extends BeanFactory to provide additional features such as internationalization support, resource loading, and event propagation. ApplicationContext serves as a central point for configuration and management, offering a unified view of the entire application context.
    • Spring Expression Language (SpEL): SpEL is a powerful expression language that allows you to query and manipulate objects at runtime. It supports a wide range of operations, including property access, method invocation, arithmetic, conditionals, and collection iteration. SpEL is deeply integrated into the Spring Framework, enabling dynamic expressions in annotations, XML configuration, and even directly in the code.

    1.2.2 Data Access/Integration#

    Spring provides comprehensive support for data access and integration with various data sources, simplifying interaction with databases and other external systems.

    • Spring JDBC: This module abstracts away the complexities of raw JDBC, reducing boilerplate code and providing a consistent exception hierarchy. Spring JDBC also integrates seamlessly with Spring’s transaction management, offering declarative transaction control that enhances the robustness of data access operations.
    • Spring ORM: This module integrates with popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks such as Hibernate, JPA, and MyBatis. It simplifies the use of ORM tools by providing a consistent template-based approach, transaction management integration, and support for resource management.
    • Spring OXM: The Object/XML Mapping (OXM) module provides an abstraction layer for serializing Java objects to XML and deserializing XML to Java objects. It supports a variety of OXM frameworks like JAXB, Castor, and XStream.
    • Spring JMS: This module provides a comprehensive framework for producing and consuming messages using the Java Message Service (JMS). Spring JMS simplifies messaging by handling resource management, connection management, and message conversion.
    • Spring Transaction: This module offers declarative transaction management, allowing developers to manage transactions in a consistent and declarative manner across different transactional resources (e.g., JDBC, JPA). It supports various transaction propagation and isolation levels, making it suitable for complex transactional scenarios.

    1.2.3 Web#

    The Web module in Spring provides a rich set of features for building robust and scalable web applications. It includes support for traditional servlet-based applications, reactive applications, and integration with other frameworks.

    • Spring Web: This module provides foundational web-oriented integration features, such as multipart file upload, initialization of IoC containers using servlets, and web application context management. It serves as the base for Spring’s web stack, including the integration with servlets and web frameworks.
    • Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller): A comprehensive framework for building web applications using the MVC design pattern. Spring MVC supports a range of features, including form handling, data binding, validation, and internationalization. It integrates seamlessly with view technologies like JSP, Thymeleaf, and FreeMarker, allowing developers to create dynamic web pages.
    • Spring WebFlux: A reactive web framework that supports building non-blocking, asynchronous applications. WebFlux is designed for high-concurrency environments and is suitable for modern microservices architectures. It supports reactive streams and can be deployed on various web servers, including Netty and Tomcat.
    • Spring Servlet: This module provides the foundation for Spring’s web support, including integration with the Java Servlet API. It allows for the configuration and management of servlets, filters, and listeners within a Spring application context.
    • Spring Portlet: A specialized module for building portlet-based applications, particularly for portal environments. Spring Portlet extends the Spring MVC framework to support JSR-168 and JSR-286 Portlet APIs, enabling developers to create modular, reusable portlets.
    • Spring Struts: This module provides integration with the Apache Struts framework, allowing developers to use Struts with the Spring IoC container. It facilitates the migration of legacy Struts applications to the Spring Framework while retaining the familiar Struts architecture.

    1.2.4 AOP and Instrumentation#

    • Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming): AOP in Spring allows developers to separate cross-cutting concerns (e.g., logging, security, transaction management) from the business logic. By defining aspects, pointcuts, and advice, developers can modularize concerns that affect multiple parts of an application, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code. Spring AOP uses proxy-based implementation, ensuring that aspects are applied seamlessly.
    • Spring Instrumentation: This module provides support for class instrumentation and bytecode manipulation. It is useful for creating proxy classes dynamically and is often used in conjunction with Spring AOP and for runtime monitoring. Instrumentation can also be used to enhance the capabilities of the Spring Framework in managed environments like application servers.

    1.2.5 Test#

    • Spring Test: This module supports testing Spring applications with frameworks like JUnit and TestNG. It provides mock objects, transaction management support, and utilities for testing Spring components (e.g., controllers, services) in isolation or within an application context. Spring Test also supports integration testing by providing context configuration and dependency injection into test cases.

    In this article, we covered an extensive overview of the Spring Framework, starting from its core principles like Dependency Injection (DI) and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), which form the foundation for building modular and maintainable applications. We explored the various modules that Spring offers, including the Core Container for managing beans, Data Access/Integration for simplifying database interactions, Web modules for building robust web applications, AOP and Instrumentation for handling cross-cutting concerns, and the Spring Test module for ensuring the reliability of your code. Together, these components make Spring a versatile and powerful framework for Java application development.

    Last updated on Oct 13, 2024