
    DSA Prime 3.0 - Master Data Structures & Algorithms in Java

    Learn DSA in Java the smart way! Get comprehensive coverage of advanced algorithms, hands-on coding practice environment, and dedicated doubts support. Perfect for beginners and pros aiming to land roles at top tech firms.

    180+ Lectures

    What you'll learn

    • Java Fundamentals and OOPS

    • Java Collection Framework

    • Dedicated doubts support

    • 300+ Coding Problems

    • Master Recursion and Backtracking

    • Solve challenging problems on Arrays

    • Build solid intuition with Linked Lists

    • Tackle hard questions on Stacks

    • Solve real-world problems using Queues

    • Get hands-on experience with Bit Manipulation

    • Solve CP level Mathematical problems

    • Master advanced techniques in Binary Searching

    • Build intuition with Divide & Conquer strategies

    • Solve problems using Greedy Programming

    • Explore problem-solving with Binary Trees

    • Solve 40+ problems on Binary Trees and BSTs

    • Understand and solve AVL Trees problems

    • Solve complex problems with HashMaps

    • Learn problem-solving with Priority Queues

    • Tackle Disjoint Sets problems effectively

    • Master Graph Algorithms through problem-solving

    • Solve advanced problems in Dynamic Programming

    • Solve challenging LCS Variations

    • Understand and apply Memoization techniques

    • Solve 30+ Hard DP Problems to build expertise

    • Learn to solve complex KMP Algorithm problems

    • Solve real-world problems with Rabin Karp Algorithm

    • Master Trie-related problems through practice

    This course includes:

    • Beginners-friendly course

    • Assisted Self-paced course

    • 80+ hours on-demand video

    • 80+ downloadable resource

    • 300+ Coding Problems

    • 1:1 dedicated doubts solving

    • Homework & Assignment included

    • Certificate of completion

    Course content

    Introduction to Java Programming language

    2 Modules

    Don't know any Java? Don't worry! We have got you covered with these complementary preparatory modules.

    Data Types
    • Install IDE and JDK, Write your first Java program, Taking user input, Loops, Various patterns problems like Square, Triangle, Inverted Triangle, etc.

    • Introduction to Arrays, 1D and 2D Array problems, Understanding Bubble sort, Insertion sort and Selection sort, Functions and scope

    OOPS & Collection Framework

    2 Modules

    OOPS concepts are very important from Interview point of view. In these preparatory modules, we cover all the concepts with real-world examples to help you understand them better.

    OOPS Concepts
    Comparable & Comparators
    Collection Framework
    • Learn classes & Objects, Constructors, Static members, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract classes, Exception handling

    • List, Map & Queue Interfaces in Collection Framework, Collection of custom objects

    Recursion & Backtracking

    2 Modules

    Worried about Recursion & Backtracking? We will learn a step-by-step process to tackle almost any Recursion & Backtracking problem.

    Time & Space Complexity
    • Learn how to solve recursion problems, Time & space complexity

    • Advanced backtracking concepts, Rat in a Maze, N-Queen Problem, etc.

    Linear Data Structures

    4 Modules

    Linear data structures such as Arrays, Linked Lists are most often overlooked by students. However, more than 90% of the interviewers ask problems from these very basic data structures. Don't worry, we have got your back here as well.

    Linked Lists
    • Learn how to solve Array problems, Sliding window, 2 pointer algorithm, Kaden's Algorithm, 2D Array problems

    • Inserting, deleting and updating a Node in Linked Lists, Solve medium problems like Detect cycle, Merge k sorted Linked Lists, Learn how to solve hard Linked List problems

    • Introduction to stacks, Stacks using Arrays and Linked Lists, Solve hard problems using stacks

    • Learn about queues, Basics Implementation of queue, Circular queue, Stack using queue, Queue using stack, etc.

    Advanced Problem Solving Techniques

    3 Modules

    Hiring candidates with strong problem solving skills is hugely beneficial for a company. So in order to pass the interviews, you need to have your "Problem Solving Toolbox" complete with these topics.

    Bit Manipulation
    Binary Searching
    Divide & Conquer
    Greedy Programming
    • Bit manipulation techniques, Solve problems using XOR operations, Combinatorics

    • Learn about the binary searching algorithm, Variations of binary searching, Quick Sort, Merge sort using Divide & conquer technique

    • Greedy programming concepts, Learn how to solve Activity selection, Job sequencing problem, etc.

    Binary Trees and BSTs

    2 Modules

    Trees are one of the most favorite topics of many interviewers. So we are going to cover Trees in great detail which will also help you improve your Recursion concepts.

    Binary Trees
    Binary Search Trees
    AVL Trees
    • Introduction to trees, Build tree using Node class, Binary tree traversals, Diameter, Height, Size, etc. of a Binary Tree

    • Inserting, Deleting and Updating a Node in a Binary Search Tree, Balanced BST (AVL Tree) rotations, Solve tons of problems on BST

    Advanced Data Structures

    3 Modules

    Advanced Data Structures like Hashmaps, Priority Queues and Disjoint sets can help you improve the Time complexity of various problems. We will also solve multiple problems on the Graph Data Structure.

    Priority Queues
    Disjoint Sets
    • Introduction to Hashmaps, Inbuilt Hashmap, Collision handling, Load factor, Rehashing, Space-Time tradeoff using Hashing

    • Learn about the Internal working of Priority queues, Heapify, Heap sort, Disjoint sets algorithm

    • Implement Graphs using adjacency list and Matrix, BFS and DFS Graph traversals, Weighted and directed graphs, Minimum Spanning Trees, Cycle Detection in Graphs, Kruskal's algorithm, Prim's Algorithm, Dijkstra's algorithm

    Dynamic Programming

    2 Modules

    Dynamic Programming (DP) problems can be one of the most intimidating problems for the beginners in coding. But don't worry, we will talk about all the variations of DP problems and solve various problems too to make the learning process easier for you.

    LCS Variations
    Hard DP
    • Introduction to Memoization, Introduction to Dynamic Programming, Fibonacci numbers using recursion, memoization and dynamic programming

    • Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) using recursion, Edit distance using recursion, Knapsack problem using recursion, Box stacking, Subset sum problem, Egg dropping problem, etc.

    Trie & String Algorithms

    1 Module

    Although String is just an array of characters and we have alreay covered Arrays in multiple modules, there are certain String based Algorihtms in the real world. And Trie is an important Data Structure which is asked in many Coding Interviews and Online Assessments.

    KMP Algorithm
    Rabin Karp Algorithm
    • Introduction to Needle in a Haystack Problem, Important String Algorithms like KMP and Rabin Karp Algorithm

    • Insertion and Search Operations in Trie Data Structure and solving multiple problems related to Trie

    Used by learners at

    Bits Pilani
    Arizona State University
    New York University
    American Express
    Harvard University

    Student Reviews

    Shubham Palav

    DSA Prime Student

    “ What sets Coding Shuttle apart is the inclusion of gamification elements, such as maintaining a daily streak and earning badges ”

    Shreya Adak

    DSA Prime Student

    “ Anuj Bhaiya treats his students like a big brother. His teaching style is suitable for beginners to advanced level students ”

    Abhishek Dhakad

    DSA Prime Student

    “ I liked the way the course is structured. The explanation are easy to understand and cover all important topics for the interviews ”

    Ayush Supath

    DSA Prime Student

    “ Streaks problems kept me motivated to submit at least one question daily. This helped me revise the questions as well. ”

    Neelanshi Vyas

    DSA Prime Student

    “ Best part about the platform and the entire structure is it started from scratch, no hustle to learn. Everything is smooth and well explained. ”

    Uttkarsh Sharma

    DSA Prime Student

    “ I extend my gratitude to this course for simplifying my coding journey and elucidating concepts that had previously eluded my understanding. ”

    Lokesh Kumar

    Founder at Manya Technologies

    “ I’ve seen other platforms and the worlds top universities’s DSA courses, and none of them can match the quality of Coding Shuttle’s DSA Prime Program. ”

    Shreya Dubey

    DSA Prime Student

    “ I would like to say that I have learned all the concepts of DSA here in a very easy manner here we have solved over 400 problems ”

    Rishabh Bajpai

    DSA Prime Student

    “ I enjoyed the course and improved my DSA skills significantly. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in DSA. ”

    Mangesh Pawar

    DSA Prime Student

    “ As a budding programmer, I found the platform to be incredibly user-friendly, making the learning process enjoyable and efficient. ”

    about founder

    Meet the Instructor - Mr. Anuj Kumar Sharma

    Anuj is a Software Engineer and has worked with Top Product based companies like Amazon and Urban Company in the past. He manages his personal YouTube channel named Anuj Bhaiya with a subscriber base of more than 5 Lakh students. After leaving his job at Amazon, Anuj has devoted his life to helping students to learn coding. "Anyone can learn how to code with the right training and support. That's why I created Coding Shuttle to provide comprehensive programs designed to help students at all levels of expertise, from complete beginners to advanced coders looking to enhance their skills." - from Anuj


    Frequently Asked Questions

    I don't know any programming language. Can I still join this course?

    Absolutely! This course teaches Java programming from the ground up, so prior knowledge of a programming language is not required.

    How will my doubts be resolved?

    You can raise your questions on our Forums or Discord community. Mentors will assist you via chat or schedule 1:1 meetings to resolve your queries.

    Can I transition from a non-technical to a technical role after completing this program?

    Definitely! Once you've gained the required skills and hands-on experience provided in this program, your degree won't hold you back from securing a technical role.

    Why is learning DSA important?

    DSA is one of the best ways to assess a programmer's problem-solving skills. Many companies use it as a standard and ask DSA questions in interviews at various stages.

    Why should I learn DSA with Java?

    Java is known for being easy to read and write, which simplifies understanding complex concepts. Additionally, it is a widely used language, and many interviewers allow candidates to solve DSA problems using Java.

    What is the duration of the program and how long will I have access to it?

    The course duration is 5 months. However, you'll have access to all the program content for two years.

    Can I download the video content?

    While the class notes are downloadable, video content is not available for download.

    Can I pay in installments?

    Yes, you can opt for EMI payments. We also offer no-cost EMIs on all major credit cards and select debit cards.

    What will I learn in the live webinar with industry experts?

    In the live webinar, you'll gain valuable insights on building a strong resume and optimizing your LinkedIn profile, with tips from tech industry professionals.

    Is this course suitable for working professionals?

    Yes, it’s a perfect fit. The course is structured to save you time, help resolve your doubts quickly, and provide a motivating learning environment.

    How can I practice what I learn during the course?

    You can practice on our dedicated coding platform, which features over 300 carefully selected coding problems, distributed across various modules. You'll also be able to track your progress.

    Do I need a computer for this program?

    Yes, you'll need a decent laptop or computer with a stable internet connection to participate in this program.

    Will I get job opportunities after completing this program?

    While we cannot guarantee a job, no one can! However, if you complete the course diligently, you'll be thoroughly prepared for any DSA technical interview.

    Will I receive a certification after completing the course?

    Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you'll receive a course completion certificate. The certificate can be verified online using a unique certificate ID.

    top quality curriculum

    Official and Verified Certificate of Completion

    Add the certificate to your CV or your resume or post it directly on Linkedin to enhance your professional credibility.

    Enroll Now

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    Your Name

    Has completed the DSA Prime 3.0 from Coding Shuttle

    Date of Issuance : DD/MM/YYYY



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