Top 10 Java 8 Interview Questions

    Top 10 Java 8 Interview Questions

    Prepare for your next Java interview with this comprehensive guide to the top Java 8 features, including Lambda Expressions, Streams API, Optional Class, Default Methods, and more

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    Santosh Mane

    December 14, 2024

    4 min read

    Java 8 introduced several powerful features that revolutionized the way Java is used for programming. These features are frequently discussed during interviews. Here, we’ll explore the Top 10 Java 8 Interview Questions along with comprehensive answers to help you ace your interview.

    1. What are the key features introduced in Java 8?#


    Java 8 introduced several groundbreaking features, including:

    • Lambda Expressions: Enables functional programming by allowing concise syntax for implementing functional interfaces.
    • Streams API: Facilitates functional-style operations on collections and sequences of elements.
    • Functional Interfaces: Interfaces with a single abstract method, like Runnable and Callable. Annotated with @FunctionalInterface.
    • Optional Class: Provides a way to handle null values gracefully and avoid NullPointerException.
    • Default Methods: Allows interfaces to have methods with implementations.
    • New Date and Time API: Introduced java.time package for better date-time handling.
    • Method References: Simplifies referring to methods by their names instead of invoking them.
    • Nashorn JavaScript Engine: Allows integration of JavaScript with Java.

    2. What are Lambda Expressions, and why are they useful?#


    Lambda Expressions are a way to represent anonymous functions in Java. They enable functional programming and concise code. The syntax is:

    (parameters) -> expression (parameters) -> { statements; }


    // Traditional way Runnable r1 = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Hello World"); } }; // Using Lambda Runnable r2 = () -> System.out.println("Hello World");


    • Reduces boilerplate code.
    • Improves readability.
    • Enables functional-style programming.

    3. What is the Streams API, and how is it used?#


    The Streams API is used for processing collections of data in a functional style. Streams support operations like filtering, mapping, and reducing.

    Key Characteristics:

    • Lazy Evaluation: Operations are not performed until a terminal operation is invoked.
    • Stateless: Intermediate operations don’t store state.
    • Parallelism: Simplifies parallel execution with parallelStream().


    List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); List<Integer> evenNumbers = .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(evenNumbers); // Output: [2, 4]

    4. What is a Functional Interface? Give examples.#


    A Functional Interface is an interface with exactly one abstract method. It can have any number of default or static methods.


    • Built-in Functional Interfaces:
      • Predicate<T>: Accepts a single input and returns a boolean.
      • Consumer<T>: Accepts a single input and performs an operation.
      • Supplier<T>: Provides a result without taking any input.
      • Function<T, R>: Accepts an input and produces an output.

    Example Code:

    @FunctionalInterface interface MyFunctionalInterface { void display(); } MyFunctionalInterface mfi = () -> System.out.println("Hello from Lambda"); mfi.display();

    5. What are Method References in Java 8?#


    Method References provide a shorthand for referring to methods by their names. Syntax:



    1. Static Method Reference: ClassName::staticMethod
    2. Instance Method Reference: object::instanceMethod
    3. Constructor Reference: ClassName::new


    List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Jane", "Jack"); // Using Lambda names.forEach(name -> System.out.println(name)); // Using Method Reference names.forEach(System.out::println);

    6. What is the Optional class in Java 8? Why is it useful?#


    The Optional class is a container for holding nullable values and helps avoid NullPointerException.


    Optional<String> optional = Optional.ofNullable(null); System.out.println(optional.orElse("Default Value")); optional.ifPresent(value -> System.out.println(value));


    • Encourages writing cleaner and safer code.
    • Eliminates explicit null checks.

    7. What are Default Methods in Interfaces?#


    Default Methods are methods with implementations inside interfaces. They were introduced to provide backward compatibility to existing interfaces.


    interface Vehicle { void run(); default void stop() { System.out.println("Stopping the vehicle."); } } class Car implements Vehicle { public void run() { System.out.println("Car is running."); } } Car car = new Car();; car.stop();

    8. How does Java 8 handle Date and Time?#


    Java 8 introduced the java.time package to replace the outdated java.util.Date and Calendar classes.

    Key Classes:

    • LocalDate: Represents a date without a time zone.
    • LocalTime: Represents a time without a date.
    • LocalDateTime: Combines date and time.
    • ZonedDateTime: Handles time zones.


    LocalDate date =; LocalTime time =; LocalDateTime dateTime =; System.out.println(date); // Output: 2024-12-12 System.out.println(time); // Output: 14:45:30 System.out.println(dateTime); // Output: 2024-12-12T14:45:30

    9. What are Streams’ Terminal and Intermediate Operations?#


    • Intermediate Operations: Return another stream. Examples: filter(), map(), sorted().
    • Terminal Operations: Trigger the processing of streams. Examples: collect(), forEach(), reduce().


    List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"); // Intermediate: Filter and Map List<String> upperCaseNames = .filter(name -> name.startsWith("A")) .map(String::toUpperCase) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(upperCaseNames); // Output: [ALICE]

    10. What are the differences between a Stream and a Collection?#


    ProcessingLazy (performed only on terminal ops).Eager (performed on element addition).
    IterationFunctional-style iteration.External iteration.
    ParallelismBuilt-in support via parallelStream().Manual setup required.


    These questions represent some of the most important Java 8 concepts frequently asked in interviews. Mastering these will not only help you in interviews but also enhance your coding skills for real-world applications. Good luck!

    Java 8
    Core Java
    Java Interview Questions

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