Difference Between @Controller And @RestController In Spring Boot

    Difference Between @Controller And @RestController In Spring Boot

    This article explains the differences between @Controller and @RestController in Spring Boot. It covers their use cases, response handling, and how to choose the right annotation for web applications and RESTful APIs.

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    Shreya Adak

    February 14, 2025

    2 min read


    In Spring Boot, @Controller and @RestController annotations are used in Spring MVC for handling HTTP requests.

    Annotations in Spring Framework and Java: Annotations provide a couple/bunch of codes that are already in-built. Annotations help configure beans, services, controllers, transactions, validations, and much more. Annotations are special metadata. It helps to reduce the code repetition.

    • Less XML configuration: The application becomes more intuitive and cleaner.
    • Automatic Configuration: Spring Boot automatically detects and configures beans with annotations.
    • Simplified Dependency Injection: Annotations like @Autowired eliminating manual wiring.


    In Spring MVC, @Controller is used to create web-based applications that return views (HTML, JSP, Thymeleaf, etc.). It is typically used for handling UI-based requests. Requires @ResponseBody if you want to return JSON or XML instead of a view. It is used when building traditional web applications with templates (Thymeleaf, JSP).

    @Controller public class WebController { @GetMapping("/home") public String homePage() { return "home"; // Returns "home.html" or "home.jsp" from templates } @GetMapping("/json") @ResponseBody // Needed to return JSON public Map<String, String> getJson() { return Map.of("message", "Hello from Controller"); } }


    In Spring MVC, it is a combination of @Controller and @ResponseBody, meaning every method automatically returns JSON or XML data. Used when building REST APIs instead of serving web pages. It is used when creating REST APIs that return JSON/XML.

    @RestController public class ApiController { @GetMapping("/api/data") public Map<String, String> getData() { return Map.of("message", "Hello from RestController"); } }

    Difference Between @Controller And @RestController In Spring Boot:#

    PurposeHandles web page requestsHandles REST API requests
    ReturnsView (HTML, JSP, etc.)JSON/XML response
    @ResponseBody Needed?Yes (for JSON)No (applied automatically)
    Common Use CaseMVC-based web appsRESTful web services


    We learned that the @Controller is used for handling web requests that return views in MVC applications, and Spring, @RestController is designed for building RESTful APIs that return data in formats like JSON or XML. Understanding these distinctions helps you choose the right annotation for your application needs.

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